Yes, each of the types of gameplay in Spore is relatively shallow compared to games that specialize in a particular genre, although my only major issue with the space stage is that it's difficult to get back for homeworld emergency missions when you're halfway to the galactic center. Yes, each of the types of gameplay in Spore is relatively shallow compared to games that specialize in a particular genre, although my only major issue with the space stage is that it's difficult to get back for homeworld emergency missions when Okay, Securom DRM sucks, I can't argue with that, although at least it doesn't pollute your OS on Mac like it does on Windows. Okay, Securom DRM sucks, I can't argue with that, although at least it doesn't pollute your OS on Mac like it does on Windows. Additionally, expansion packs and patches are expected (The first patch recently came out), which over time may or may not improve the game's quality.

And although large amounts of the game were either dumbed down (although I feel that the game was never to be marketed to a serious hard-core gamer) or not included (such as gas giant cities, "Encounters of the Third Kind" minigames, and various editors), it's still something good to pull out on a rainy day. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th stages could of been longer though. And although large amounts of the game were either dumbed down (although I feel that the game was never to be marketed to a serious hard-core gamer) or not included (such as gas giant cities, "Encounters of the Third Kind" minigames, and I felt that the game was overall a fun game, despite the glitches and repetetiveness(?). I felt that the game was overall a fun game, despite the glitches and repetetiveness(?).