So, we started with Black Label because you always start with what got you to the party and subsequently made you “Dragon” and wake up missing your clothes with a rather grotesque woMAN (and yes the Adams apple does make that second half of the word become capitalized like that) at that same party.

Many of us thought JD Green label was the way to go and so we drank both because like a political debate we allow equal time for both sides to fuck us over in the future. This is why we feel that Epic Meal Time is choosing the wrong bottle of Jack. We here at booze reviews love whiskey and want good whiskey to be popular. Every now and then Jack Daniels just becomes “that famous whiskey” and it takes a group of men to come in and make it popular by drinking a lot of it and making a fun show out of it. It used to be biker gangs that stood for JD and before that the collective group of the southern United States but it always has ebbs and flows as far as it being considered “good” from a public perception of it being tough and well known. They have put Jack Daniels back in a place where it is cool to drink it again where it becomes the choice of alcohol for people that are badass and care free. We here at Booze Reviews have a fondness for Epic Meal Time and love the work they have done with Jack Daniels and bacon and encourage you to watch all of their episodes after reading all of our reviews first. *Shown here with the old and new bottle designs Hentai to drink some food and eat some booze along with me, bottle inverted 180 degrees and the opening no longer pouring booze into my mouth, William Henri Neve IV aka newly formed Tex Mexibro aka MC Will Power aka DJ Jonah Jameson (DAMN YOU SPIDERMAN!) aka William Henri Neve The Fourth (different person).

WHAT CHU KNOW ABOUT BOOZE REVIEWS, SON?! BuffaloJern, the man named Justice, and DJ LvL got together with a couple of new friends to this gig in Poat and Mr. A couple of weeks ago we all got together and decided that we needed to cook some food…cook some food and get drunk.

Open your minds, mouths, stomachs, anus and urethra all you Honest Booze Reviews readers because shit is about to go down.